The Frank Harr Foundation’s Noell Rowan, a faculty member of the University of North Carolina Wilmington School of Social Work, is implementing a grant from UNCW Extending our groundbreaking survey of the health and human service needs of LGBT people in Southeastern North Carolina to more isolated communities on the Cape Fear Coast.
For the purposes of this survey, health and human services include anything that enhances your health or well-being that is delivered or facilitated by a professional.
It includes questions on health care access, your experiences of violence and victimization, your use of LGBT-specific services, your social and mental health and your demographic information.
It is completely anonymous but extremely crucial in helping the Foundation develop specific programs designed to identify and address the findings of the survey. All age groups are allowed and encouraged to participate.
In about 8 minutes, you can help us gather valuable information that will help us address many issues facing the LGBT community. Plus, you can PASS IT ON! Tell friends, co-workers, and family members about the survey. We need them too!