The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is a leading LGBTQIA+ nonprofit that centers around suicide prevention and crisis intervention resources. This link takes you directly to their “Get Help” page, where 24/7 resources are available.


LGBT National Help Center

The LGBT National Help Center is a nonprofit focusing solely on the queer community with services such as assistance in coming out, relationship concerns, bullying, workplace issues, safe sex information, crisis intervention, suicide prevention, HIV/AIDS information, and more. They also offer the LGBT National Hotline. Those under the age of 18 are encouraged to reach out to LGBT National Help Center Youth Talkline.


Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline is a peer supported nonprofit that focuses solely on transgender individuals. This nonprofit is ran by and created for the trans community and offers a 24/7 Hotline where you can call for any reason.

This hotline promises to be answered by an individual who is transgender, not ask any identifying information, in efforts to ease vocal dysphoria- not assume gender identity, and more outlines on their website of how they want to ease anxieties of calling.


National Runaway Safeline

The mission of the National Runaway Safeline (NRS) is to help keep America’s runaway and at-risk youth safe and off the streets. On their website you will be able to find many forums regarding questions and experiences of those who have experienced youth homelessness. A hotline, text messaging service, direct email, and online messaging system are all available to access The National Runaway Safeline.

Dine & Drink

Brooklyn Cafeβ–²


BeUnlimited Yoga
Salty Dog Yoga and Surfβ–²
Stonewall Sports

Summerfield Custom Wellnessβ–²πŸ’²β˜Ž

Online Resources

Addiction Recovery
Baptist Health
The Recovery Village

Health Testing and Information

LGBTQ+ Specific
ACLU of North Carolina
Equality North Carolina
Additional NC Resources

Resource Guide Key

β–² Gender neutral bathrooms available
πŸ’²Sliding scale option available
☎ Telehealth services available

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