Our Youth

The LGBTQ Center of the Cape Fear Coast provides support and outreach to the LGBTQIA youth in our community whether in a place of still trying to figure things out, coming out, or to outwardly and actively participating in the community. We're here for all.

  • Wilmington Pride Youth Group – The Wilmington Pride Youth Group is a project of the LGBTQ Center. The group is designed to connect LGBTQIA youth with their peers and allies by providing a safe environment of mutual respect while encouraging self-discovery. We facilitate this with a variety of educational forums, fun games, art projects and other activities which cultivate socialization and life skills. Youth are free to talk about whatever they choose in a confidential setting.
    • Contact wpyg@lgbtqcapefear.org for meeting information and registration.


  • Proud and Empowered – Proud & Empowered is an evidence-based program developed and tested for LGBTQ+ adolescents and built upon the premise that minority related stress and discrimination are at the root of behavioral health concerns that LGBTQ+ adolescents experience. The intervention focuses on critical domains of minority stress and works with youth to build coping strategies around each topic. It is the first evidence-based practice for LGBTQ+ adolescent behavioral health.


  • Q Chat Space– Find and give support, have fun, connect around shared interests and get good information. Chat with like-minded peers in live chats designed for you & by you, facilitated by folks who care.
  • Youth Leadership Council – Our Youth Leadership Council is tailored to our out and proud youth and their allies in our community. The focus is on service, community involvement, peer support and education. Council members must be between the ages of 16 and 21, live in the Cape Fear region, and be either a member of, or an ally to, the LGBTQ+ community. The Council hosts and contributes to community-wide events, as well as offering support to peers in the community.
    Application link: Youth Leadership Council Application


  • Howie Price Initiative Anti-Violence Curriculum – This program supports youth and young adults who have experienced or faced threatening or actual gender/sexual violence or bullying. This curriculum was developed by CenterLink and LGBTQ Centers based on a robust literature review and numerous focus groups with youth and youth programming staff


  • Imi– (pronounced “eye-me”) A resource full of guides built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help you explore your identity and support your mental health. You can choose a topic to get started, including: Stress, Queerness, Stigma, and Gender.
    • Access Imi here: Imi

Youth Resources

There are local and regional resources available to LGBTQIA youth; this is not a complete list. Refer to the full reference section for more information and feel free to reach out with questions.

Are You a Youth (or Parent of a Youth) In Need of Our Support?